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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

श्रींगार समझते आए हैं जिनको सदियों से,
उन बेड़ीयों की हमें आदत सी हो गई है.


anupriya said...

kudos!loved these lines ever since you first wrote them.they define life, society,everything.

i think 'aadat' is the operative word action exists outside 'aadat'.a woman's responsibilty as a nurturer,a guy's role as the behavior is natural.all behavior is 'aadat'.and everytime we break out of 'aadat',a revolution happens...i think?

Anuradha said...

thanks darling.

I agree in toto! habits esp. the glorified ones are the most difficult to break.
shrewd the ones made who made such a structure and blind the ones who follow it so religiously.
it's takes a lot of courage to come out of our comfortable couches to utter the unsaid and act the forbidden... revolution or may be rebellion?

anupriya said...


Ankita said...

Hits the nail on the head.